Our Lexicon
Find the definition of terms often used by SEO agencies in referencing. You can find the list of words and their definition below.
Lexicon of words used in referencing
SEO is a profession in itself. A user who is not qualified or has little computer skills will not necessarily understand all the words used on our pages. That's why we provide you with a lexicon with the definitions of the most used baths. Please contact us if you haven't found the answer to your question : access our contact form !
The basic lexicon of SEO
Backlinks are links to your site from other sites. A link from a quality site [HIGH DA] will affect your popularity and therefore also your positioning.
Indexing is done by search engine robots. It consists of the robot's visit of the pages of a website, their "reading", their analysis (content, keywords, internal and external links, etc.) and their addition to the search engine database.
Following the implementation of optimizations on your pages, a manual referencing of your site is carried out in the search engines of Google, Bing, Yahoo and Qwant.
In their French versions (.fr, .be .ch, .ca) and International (.com)
The search directory is a search tool that categorizes sites by categories and subcategory and is managed by webmasters who choose to validate them based on their editorial line.
Meta-tags are small lines of code to insert on your pages. Some are less and less taken into account by search tools, others are essential (such as title and description tags, but also keywords). These meta-tags will allow the search engine to understand your site, help it index it and display a description in search results.
The term 'internal mesh' means organizing your site's internal links, i.e. links on your pages to other pages on your site. This link mesh makes it easier for your visitors to navigate, but it also helps to promote certain pages of your site, on certain keywords you are aiming for..
Search engines are search tools managed by different robots that continuously monitor the web in order to find new sites and index them. The most famous search engine is Google, but there is also Bing or Yahoo.
Netlinking is all the different actions and methods used to create links to your site. The more qualitative links your site has, the more popular it will be by Google. It is also worth clarifying the importance of prioritizing the quality of these links rather than their quantity.
The action of working on several items on your page (metatag tag, content, links, etc.) to allow a good indexing of these by search engines and a better ranking in the results for your keywords.